Category Archives: my work

Other people writing about my research

The dirt on clothes: why washing less is more sustainable

  I wrote a piece for The Conversation recently, about my MPhil jeans research. It was really interesting to fit my 45,000 word thesis into 800 words (the editors are strict!). The article had a great response: over 300 shares … Continue reading

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Laundry Aisles

At the beginning of the year I took a series of photographs of laundry aisles all around Melbourne.  I had totally forgotten that I had them until Charlotte told me about a series of photos she took of supermarket lighting. … Continue reading

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Chatting to Fi on ABC Statewide Afternoons NSW

An interview from earlier this year where I rambled off about social technical systems. Fi on ABC Statewide Afternoons NSW

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Chatting to Oxfam 3things

‘Sometimes I hear myself playing back and I’m like “Yeah! Now that guy really knows what he’s talking about!”‘ – Arj Barker I had that feeling reading over this interview I did with Oxfam 3things.  Lauren, who interviewed me, has … Continue reading

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Nobody was Dirty: challenging collective conventions of cleanliness

I presented some of my work at the ESA Consumption Research Conference in Berlin this week. It was a brilliant chance to test some of my ideas on the super intelligent social theorists:  Warde, Halkier, Miles and Truninger were all at the conference which … Continue reading

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Michael Green and Kate Brown

Eco Journalist, Michael Green wrote a piece about laundering in last weekend’s The Age newspaper, mentioning my Nobody was Dirty research.  Often I get emails after such pieces, and I am always very interested to hear what people think about … Continue reading

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Guide to Sustainable Fashion

Model and sustainability entrapreneaur Nerida Lennon put this short documentry together with the clever people at EcoTopia. It looks at different elements of sustainable fashion including interviews with Georgia McCorkill and Alex Trimmer and a brief use phase appearance from … Continue reading

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Speaking with Virginia Jones on 666 ABC Canberra

Loved this Q and A with Virginia, she got the research aim very quickly, and we were able to delve more deeply into some of the environmental implications that are so important to me. Virginia Jones 666 ABC Canberra

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Chatting with Alex Sloan on ABC radio

Chatting with Alex Sloan on ABC radio

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Frankie Magazine on Nobody was Dirty

Thanks to Georgia Frances King of Frankie Magazine for some heart warming words.  Propagating ideas of not washing to your 200,000 readers is exciting, I wonder how many people will reduce their laundry frequency as a result of reading this … Continue reading

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